Course Description
Digital Projects Toolkit Part 5: Storage and Digital Preservation is the last in a series of five short courses introducing the basics of cultural heritage digitization projects. This section covers best practices for file naming, storage recommendations, procedures for ensuring the authenticity of digital content, and a brief introduction to key concepts in digital preservation.
This series was created by Recollection Wisconsin to help public library systems provide basic digitization education and support to their members. Course development was funded by the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium (WPLC). Support for Recollection Wisconsin is provided in part by a Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) grant administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).

Recollection Wisconsin Program Manager, WiLS
Emily Pfotenhauer
Course curriculum
1. Course Materials
1a. How to Navigate
1b. Resource List and Slides
2. File Naming
2a. File Naming and Organization
2b. 5 Tips For What Not To Do When Creating A File Naming Structure (AVPreserve)
3. Storage
3a. Digital Archival Storage
3b. How long will digital storage media last? (Library of Congress)
3c. Digital Storage 3-2-1 Plan (Curating Community Digital Collections)
4. Checksums and File Fixity
4a. What's the deal with checksums?
4b. Authenticity and Your Digital Files (State Library of North Carolina)
4c. What is fixity and when should I be checking it? (National Digital Stewardship Alliance)
4d. How-To Guide: Fixity (Kristina Warner/OWLS)
5. Digital Preservation
5a. A Brief Introduction to Digital Preservation
5b. The NDSA Levels of Digital Preservation: An Explanation and Uses (National Digital Stewardship Alliance)
5c. Digital Preservation Policy Template (Curating Community Digital Collections)
6. Feedback
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